Cook-Off Event
March 30, 2013
14TH Annual Buffalo Girls Hotel “Casi” Chili Cook Off
To Benefit Rescued Pet Adoptions
March 30, 2013, On The Mountain in Canton
The theme of this year’s cook off will be Peace, Love, Chili and Easter Eggs! In addition to the all day chili event, there will be over 12,000 Easter Eggs hidden all over The Mountain to be hunted immediately following the cook off festivities about 4:00pm. The Easter Bunny, live buffaloes, Indians, cowboys, and wolves will all be on hand to make your day on The Mountain a fun time for all ages, as well as bargains galore in all of the Mountain shops. Shop owners will be running specials to join in on the festivities all over The Mountain.
The cook off was founded by Susan Matassa, owner of The Buffalo Girls Hotel, in 2000, to bring exposure to The Mountain, which is a shaded hillside next to Old Mill Marketplace with over 200 shops, cafe’s, live cowboy shootouts, and music and shopping till 11pm on Friday and Saturday nights of 1st Monday. Matassa always thanks her late parents at the beginning of each cook off for inspiring her to give to others in need, and for their help in enabling her to do so. This year’s cook off is dedicated to my dear friend Jack Patrick, and Patricia Stanton “Zayas”, of Daddy’s Money on The Mountain. Two lives lost much too soon.
Since 2000, the cook off has grown from 21 cooks to over 61, and have new entries every year. Most cooks are “CASI” members who follow the chili circuit to win points to go to Terlingua to cook in the Super Bowl of all cook offs. Their motto is “Cooking Chili For Charity”. Although “CASI” is a major contributor to ensure all monies go to charity, you do not have to be a “CASI” member to enter. Local man, Scott King won People’s Choice Award last year, and Terry Lee Owens, also of Canton, won third place in Showmanship. All cooks line up in front of Buffalo Girls Hotel and stretch out along the fence to Hi way 64, and create an atmosphere of fun for everyone.
All monies raised from the cook off are donated to C.L.A.W. (Citizens League For Animal Welfare), and used for Rescued Pet Adoptions. These volunteers go to high kill shelters and evaluate abandoned and discarded pets to maybe get a 2nd chance at life. Sometimes the owners just have to give them up for some reason, or they just got lost and couldn’t find their way back home. If no one shows up for them, they are simply put down for no reason. There is never enough money to help this 501C organization with evaluating, cleaning up, vetting, spaying, neutering, micro chipping, and caring for them until they find a foster home that will keep them until they are found on Pet Finder. and then find their Forever Home.
The cook off is your way of helping and have fun doing it. Whether you just come and bid on items, donate items for the auction, enter the cook off, or be a judge….you are contributing. The drawings have always been a popular way to help because you do not have to be present to win, but have your phone close at drawing time. For $2.00 per ticket, you have three chances to win because there are three great prizes. A 46″ HDTV, donated by Debbie Davis Reaves and Old Mill Marketplace, An Apple iPad 4, donated by Sheila A. Kight, CPA,PC, and a Circuit Judge pistol/rifle combo, donated by Wiley’s Gun Shop & Buffalo Girls Hotel. All prizes are valued over $500.00 each. Tickets can be purchased at Old Mill Marketplace, Canton Chamber, Kim Parker, Susan Matassa, or just call 903-567-7829 and we can tell you which CLAW member or Mountain Associate to contact.
The cook off has always been known for the auction and drawing prizes, donated by shops on The Mountain and at Old Mill Marketplace, and all around Canton, to give the shopper’s an idea of what they have for sale in their stores. We appreciate any and all donations and can come to you to pick them up. This is your way of paying it forward to help those who cannot help themselves. Sponsors for this fun filled family day are The Mountain, Old Mill Marketplace, Canton Visitor’s Bureau, and Two Hot Chicks Sign Co. Brickstone Graphics, owners Alan & Missy Woodard donated Trophies, and Brookshires & Walmart donated items for judging. If you are interested in judging, there will be three rounds of judging, with ten judges per round that begins right after chili turn in time at 1:00. Celebrity judges in the past have been Sheriff Pat Burnett, Chamber President Mercy Rushing, Robert Westmoreland of Ben Wheeler, Bill Mohon of Mabank, Karen Kerbow of Wichita Falls, and Jim Adams from Lake Athens. If you are interested in becoming a judge, want drawing tickets, want to donate something for auction, or just need information…..Call 903-567-7829. If you have a favorite chili recipe or funny get up for Showmanship, send in your entry today to be one of the first 15 entries to get a Goody Bag that includes a Peace, Love, and Chili Cook Off t-shirt .
RC Bridges and his wife Palefeather will have their trained buffaloes Wildthing and Bullet, their Wolf Jewell Spirit, and Miss Lisa, the dog for petting or taking pictures. Brett Miller will be spinning tunes at the cook off and David Cline will have his fabulous performers at Cline’s Corner, and remember….there will be over 12,000 Easter Eggs hidden on The Mountain to be hunted immediately after the cook off festivities…..so if you like eggs, chili, auctions, shopping, cowboys, cowgirls, music, Indians, buffaloes, wolves, drawings, great food, more great shopping, and a soft spot for animals, please contribute in some way to make this year a great success.
Happy Trails and Happy Tails !
2013 Chili Cook-Off Pics and Winners
2013 Chili Cook-Off Pics and Winners
Thanks again to each and everyone of you ! ! !